You being a puss or a glorified bunny won't change anything about the fact that your scribble was homophobic. You are neither the first nor the last selfpisser.
Calling a gayforpay prostitute a gayforpay prostitute is not an insult, you homophobic dimwit, if anything for a hetero maggot to go gay for anything really is an upgrade. Nor do I have to insult bi wankers, given that their closeted, cheating and dishonest lifestyle, the vast majority of them, even in today's world, is insult enough and a self-inflected one at that.
gayforpay is a completely bullshit term that was used by actors and actresses trying to cover. Paul never once used that term when his industry colleagues were dropping like flies all around him in the AIDS crisis, and not even at the most opportune moment when he was confronted by his conservative Italian family and given ultimatums. he's not the Jay Huntington breed of insecure musclehead cunt, so fuck right off. Gays who feel the need to level insults at bi dudes are the most insecure wankers on planet earth.
There is nothing sexual in this vid and there is nothing to understand about it, at most as an anthropological study in sexual retardation. There are a few of those, coming in various flavours, among us. This is just one of them.
Paul was at best a gayforpay prostitute and then pimp, not sure what people expect of him. THis was a ridiculous vid targeted at a very specific kind of idiot. There was literally nothing sexual about it.